Team 610 | Start A FRC Team

Start A FRC Team

What is FRC?

The FIRST Robotics Competition challenges teams of young people and their mentors to solve a common problem in a six-week timeframe using a standard “kit of parts” and a common set of rules. Teams build robots from the parts and compete in games designed by Dean Kamen, Dr. Woodie Flowers, and a committee of engineers and other professionals.

FIRST redefines winning for these students by rewarding teams for excellence in design, demonstrated team spirit, gracious professionalism and maturity, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Scoring the most points is a secondary goal. Winning means building partnerships that last.

What’s involved

You”ll need professional engineers, adult mentors, high school aged students, sponsorship, a meeting place, access to tools and free time during the build and competition season. Specifics and a season over view are available in the How to Start a Team Flyer.


Learn More

 Starting an FRC Team Outline – outlines what you need to get started and lists resources to help you on your way.
FRC Handbook  – How to guide your team through the season.  Includes tips on recruiting, team organization and sample team budgets.
FIRST Mentoring Guide  – We’ve compiled some tips on how to be a great resource for your team

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